Uniting Business and Technology

We are here to scale your business through technology.


We understand the value of communication and push for clear understanding so you are not surprised at any point during a project.


With 10+ years of professional system/software engineering and project management experience, we have the expertise to assist you with your company's transformations within the digital age.


By focusing on what you care about most, we can ensure efficient delivery of results that has a positive impact on your business.

Fractional Engineering Leadership Services

Bollinger Tech Solutions offers unique services to jump start or improve existing teams.

If you are looking for personnel with titles such as "Director of Engineer" or "Principal Engineer", but are not ready to commit to an employee, we can help to bridge the gap so your company continues to be a success during your search.

Typical services consist of:

  • Technology Assessment, an evaluation of the tools used for building your product.

  • Development Workflow Assessment, an evaluation of how the existing development team produces results.

  • Customer Requests for Information, support for customer inquiries that ask hard technical questions that you want someone you can trust to answer.

Although our core business is to help you understand your technology and development team needs, sometimes you will need an extra pair of hands to help implement any recommendations. We are here to help!